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1. 关于爱情与生活的思考


- "你知道我变化最大的是什么吗?年轻时,我总想让时间过得快一点,没有父母管,不用上学,什么都不用关心,我只想闭上眼睛,醒来变成大人。Now I feel that happened,and I just want everything to slow down."(你知道我变化最大的是什么吗?年轻时,我总想让时间过得快一点,没有父母管,不用上学,什么都不用关心,我只想闭上眼睛,醒来变成大人。Now I feel that happened,and I just want everything to slow down.)

- "But at the end of the day, it's not the love of one another person that matters. It's the love of life."(但在最后的时日你会发现,你不是爱着一个人,而是爱着这种生活。)

2. 对人生的幽默表达

- "The only upside of being over 35 is that you don't get raped as much."(人过了35岁以后,唯一的好处就是不太会被***。)

3. 揭示人际关系中的真相

- "You are the ***ing mayor of crazytown, do you know that?"(你知道吗,你简直是疯子市的市长。)

4. 如何维持感情的艺术

- "Let me tell you right now, Anna, how to keep a man. You gonna let them win at all those silly little games they like. Oh, okay. When I met Jesse, we were playing pinball. I was winning. I let the ball go down the middle. It builds their confidence. If I didn't let him win every game, we would never have sex. I mean, I'm sorry to say it, but he's actually a closet macho. He dreams of having a bimbo for a wife."(让我来告诉你,安娜,怎么去拴住男人,你得让们赢了那些愚蠢的小游戏上。认识杰西的第一个晚上,我们一起打弹球,本来,这样会让他们有自信。 要不是在游戏中让着他,我们不可能上床的。 不好意思这么说,其实他是隐形的大男子主义者,梦想娶个胸大无脑的老婆。)

5. 对婚姻生活的坦诚表达

- "Yeah... when I think of my husband, what I miss most about him is the way he used to lie down next to me at night. Sometimes his arm would stretch along my chest, and I could not move, I... I even held my breath. But if felt safe, complete. And... I miss the way he was whistling walking down the street."(但是之后,我渐渐忘却细节。 记忆在不断褪色,我开始忘记他。 这就好像····好像我又失去他了。 眼睛的颜色,嘴唇,牙齿,他的皮肤和头发的触感。 这一切记忆都随着时间流走了。 但有时,偶尔,只是偶尔,我能非常清楚地看到他。 就好像拨开云雾他就在那里。 突然,真实回到了眼前。 他再次消失了。)




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